When choosing new tyres the main consideration should be tyre safety. Often we try to be frugal and skimp on quality with items we buy. Tyres should not be one we skimp. A large number of tyres sold at an economical price are probably brands you never heard of and many are not the best. Purchase cheap tyres and you may find you will be back purchasing more tyres that are new where as if you bought a quality brand; you may extend the time to buy new ones again. Cheap tyres do not last as long, as the quality of imported tyres is not as high as tyres from a known brand.
Quality tyre manufacturers and distributors will include extra perks with new tyre purchase. Many will offer to balance and rotate for free as well as inspect them if you come in every 5,000 kilometers or so. Some new tyres have an optional insurance against road damage. Having new tyres is just a part of tyre safety. They need to be properly installed and balanced and aired to the right pressure. Tyre pressure is vital, as too low or too high will cause improper wear and can even be dangerous to drive. Check the pressure every couple of weeks.
Check the tyre pressure with pencil style tyre gauge. Valve caps need to fit right and keep out water and dust. If you notice wear on the tyre tread too soon, let the distributor know so they can fix it or exchange it. Once in a while the alignment points to other issues with the vehicle, but never drive a misaligned vehicle for long without getting it checked. Always have a proper front-end alignment to preserve tyre wear. Never fix a tyre with puncture seal compounds without immediately taking the tyre to the tyre shop. Only use puncture seal compounds in an emergency. Never purchase used tyres, as new tyres are always better. Make sure you purchase tyres fitting to the recommendations in the owner’s manual of the vehicle.
Retreads are good on vehicles that travel at slow speeds and low weight. They are generally not worth it for the average driver. When you are purchasing new tyres ask for advice on the brands, treads, and warranties. Tyres come in many shapes and for many different driving situations. Purchase a set that is useful for your driving.